At Rushey Mead Academy, we recognise the Public Sector Equality Duty and its three aims to:
- Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment, victimisation and any other conduct prohibited by the 2010 Equality Act
- Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it
- Foster good relations between people who have a shared characteristic and those who do not
Rushey Mead Academy is dedicated to promoting equality and diversity by providing an inclusive, caring and supportive environment; committed to the promotion of genuine equal opportunities for all. We want every member of our school community to feel part of our ‘Rushey Family’ with a strong sense of belonging irrespective of their faith, culture, class, race, gender, sexuality and/or disability.
Our Equality and Diversity objectives build on the core values and ethos of the school of Rushey 1: Be Kind, Rushey 2: Work Hard and Rushey 3: Develop your Whole-Self.
Equality Objectives 2024-2025
- To reduce occurrence of sexual harassment by implementing a curriculum and pastoral awareness programme to improve students’ understanding.
- To reduce the occurrence of racist incidents by explicitly teaching what isn’t acceptable and continuing to offer additional education to the students displaying racist attitudes via taught detentions and one to one reflection work.
- To reduce the amount of C3, C4, C5s issued to over-represented groups in our consequence system by further engaging with parents and understanding cultural differences and challenges faced by these groups.
- To reduce the amount of suspensions of over-represented groups by increasing their sense of belonging and understanding the cultural challenges faced by these groups.
- To reduce the number of homophobic incidents to ensure that all of our LGBTQ+ students feel a true sense of belonging and acceptance by addressing stigma, providing support and creating inclusive environments.
- To ensure that all students and staff who need support with their mental health feel that they can ask for and receive appropriate support.