BTEC Tech Award in Performing Arts Level 1/ Level 2, specialising in Dance, is designed to develop a broad range of skills, techniques, personal qualities and attitudes essential for a successful working life in the dance industry. Students will be required to learn professional dance repertoire, study three set professional works and create their own choreography.
There are three components within the course, where students will build up a portfolio of evidence:
Component 1: Exploring the Performing Arts
This is internally assessed and externally moderated and worth 30% of the final grade. Component 1 is theory and writing based.
Throughout the Component learners will develop their understanding of the Performing Arts by examining and analysing practitioner’s’ work and the processes used to create performances. The set works will cover a variety of styles and genres and learners will be required to compare and contrast the constituent features.
Component 2: Developing Skills and Techniques in the Performing Arts
This is internally assessed and externally moderated and worth 30% of the final grade. This component is practically based, and learners will develop their performing arts skills and techniques through the accurate replication of professional set work.
Component 3: Performing to a Brief
This is externally assessed and is worth 40% of the final grade.
This external component builds on knowledge, understanding and skills acquired and developed in Components 1 and 2. Learners will apply their skills and techniques creatively to a workshop performance for a selected audience. They will capture their ideas on planning, development and effectiveness of the performance process in a written log and an evaluation report.
A task worth 60 marks is completed under supervised conditions. The supervised assessment period is a maximum of three hours.
For assessment, learners are given a brief and stimulus to create performance material. In groups consisting of a minimum of three and a maximum of seven members, learners respond to the stimulus and create a workshop performance that communicates ideas and creative intentions to a target audience of their choice.
GCSE Drama gives the opportunity to explore issues and gain understanding of people and the world around us. The aim is to become an accomplished performer, a creative collaborator and have the ability to write effective evaluation.
The course has 3 components (please see link below for further details.)
Component 1 – Devising Theatre (40%)
Component 2 – Performing from a Text (20%)
Component 3 – Interpreting Theatre (40%)
GCSE Music (Edexcel) is a course which develops musical knowledge, understanding and skills through performing, composing and studying different musical genres by applying knowledge of music theory and musical context.
Component 1: Performing. Students perform on their instrument in both solo and ensemble situations (30%)
Component 2: Composing. Students learn composition skills and compose two pieces, one to a theme set by the exam board and one free choice composition (30%)
Component 3: Appraising. There are 4 areas of study – Instrumental Music 1700-1820, Vocal Music, Music for Stage and Screen, Fusions. These are investigated through theory lesson and both knowledge and listening skills are examined at the end of year 11 (40%)
BTEC Music (Edexcel) is designed to develop a broad range of vocational skills via practical and assignment-based work. There are two core units and two optional units that are chosen to build up the qualification. Students will study the following units:
Unit 1 – “The Music Industry” (Core Unit set by Edexcel), one-hour exam June Year 10. (25%)
This is assessed on: Exam, Research and presentation, report writing.
Unit 2 – “Managing a Music Product” (Core Unit set by Edexcel). (25%)
This is assessed on: Individual roles and group work within the organisation and preparation of a musical concert in Year 11.
Unit 4 – “Introducing Music Composition” (Optional Unit) (25%)
This is assessed on: Compositional work to a brief, presentation of compositional work, use of Music Technology.
Unit 5 – “Introducing Music Performance” (Optional Unit) (25%)
This is assessed on: Ensemble performance, On-going evaluation and reflection rehearsal and organisational skills