
Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” – Mahatma Gandhi

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” – Mohamed Ali

“Intelligence plus character-that is the goal of true education.” – Martin Luther King Jr.

Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today.” – Malcolm X

The intent of the curriculum at Rushey Mead Academy:

“We will provide for all our students access to the best which has been thought, said, written and created in every field of human endeavour so that they are knowledgeablecritical, enriched and well poised to lead fulfilling lives.”

The TMET 7Cs are the values that underpin all trust activities and decisions and are lived out through the curriculum at Rushey Mead Academy.

Challenge: an ambitious curriculum which gives access “to the best that has been thought and said,” so that pupils are exposed to and interact with rich, challenging knowledge, concepts and materials no matter what their starting points or characteristics.

Collaboration: teachers and leaders collaborate to curate the best content and pedagogical approaches; pupils collaborate to deepen learning and develop social and communication skills.

Culture: a curriculum which actively builds the cultural capital of our pupils so that they can be enriched and empowered.

Community: a wider curriculum which teaches about tolerance and an appreciation of diversity, equipping students to be active citizens who contribute positively to society, steeped in British values.

Courage: pupils are encouraged to persevere and show courage in the face of learning challenges which result from a rich and demanding curriculum; they are exposed to examples of courageous individuals who have acted with integrity in the face of adversity.

Creativity: pupils are taught to think creatively from a foundation of rich knowledge; the arts are prized and valued and give opportunities for expression and individuality.

Character: opportunities abound for character development through a rich and ambitious wider curriculum offer designed to develop positive personal traits, dispositions and virtues such as kindness and care for others.

The curriculum offer at KS3 contains a broad and balanced range of subjects throughout Years 7 to 9. All students have 25 one hour lessons comprising of the following subjects:

An outline of the curriculum model:

Key stage Subject Number of periods per week
KS3 Science 3
Maths 3
English 4
MFL (French or Guajarati) 3 (2 in Year 9)
PE 2
History (including some citizenship) 2
Geography (including some citizenship) 2
Citizenship (Year 9 only) 1
RE 1
Computing 1
Art 1
Design Technology 2
Creative Arts (Drama or Music) 1

Rushey Mead Academy has a full and well established PSHE programme which is delivered to all students by their own tutors as part of the tutor/PSHE programme. In Year 9 it is also delivered as a standalone lesson within the timetable, often by outside providers who have specialisms in required areas. To allow for PSHE to be taught as a discrete lesson, students in Year 9 have three lessons of humanities, rather than four.

British Values are a lived reality at Rushey Mead Academy. The values of democracy, individual liberty, mutual respect and the rule of law permeate throughout the curriculum. Likewise, SMSC is prevalent throughout the curriculum and the students’ spiritual, moral and ethical development is addressed through a number of subjects, including religious education. These areas are further developed informally through assemblies, numerous extra-curricular activities, residential experiences and in other intangible ways which permeate the ethos of the school. In addition to this, all students receive comprehensive careers advice throughout their time at Rushey Mead Academy and have the benefit of taking part in a well-integrated leadership programme as well as work related and enterprise opportunities.

British Values
SMSC Summary

The curriculum offer at KS4 contains a broad and balanced range of subjects throughout Year 10 and 11. All students have 25 one hour lessons comprising of the following subjects:

An outline of the curriculum model:

Key stage Subject Number of periods per week
KS4 Science (for double scientists)

(for triple scientists)

Maths 4
English 4
RE (for double scientists)

(for triple scientists)

PE 2
Option A 2.5
Option B 2.5

Students will also choose additional subjects from a broad range including History, Geography, Spanish, Business Studies, Computing, Art, Photography, Media, Drama, Dance, Music, Sport, Product Design, Textiles, Food and Nutrition and Health and Social Care. These will be taught across five lessons within the week.

At Rushey Mead Academy we cover a wide range of subjects and provide opportunities for academic, creative and sporting excellence. Emphasis is placed on acquiring, developing and applying core skills in reading, writing, communication and mathematics.

To discover more about our curriculum, please see the information below, and click the item to take you to that particular section of our website: