Schools Provision Statement
Rushey Meadows (within Rushey Mead Academy)
Our School
Rushey Meadows is an inclusive environment offering a broad and balanced curriculum, as well as bespoke interventions, to students aged 11 to 16 years old with an Educational Health Care Plan for additional needs for communication and interaction.
We are housed within Rushey Mead Academy, (classed as outstanding by Ofsted since 2007), and our students are an integral part of the Rushey Family, following our core values: Be kind, Work hard and Develop your whole self.
We call these values our Rushey 1-2-3 expectations; they provide a framework for personal conduct and development for our entire school community. From the moment a student arrives at Rushey Mead Academy we ask them to live these expectations, so that they permeate all we do.
1 Be kind – We aim to develop respectful, accepting students who are kind to everyone.
2 Work hard – We promote resilience, perseverance and determination as qualities to be admired and rewarded at school, as they will be in life. We expect our students to respond to feedback, improve, and to never give up. Our students learn that success needs hard work and effort.
3 Develop your whole self – We encourage students to develop themselves through our extra-curricular provision, so that they leave Rushey Mead Academy as well-rounded citizens with a broad range of experiences and interests. We want them to develop their leadership skills, sporting talent, musical and dramatic ability. We expect them to raise money for charity and to challenge themselves to try something new and unfamiliar. All these experiences aim to develop a whole range of skills, helping our children thrive as citizens in the wider world.
We are proud to serve a diverse community of 1750 students, aged 11-16 years, and we are oversubscribed each year. We believe that all children are capable of remarkable things, and we serve our community to ensure that we support our children to achieve the very best they can. We are fiercely ambitious for each one of our students. Being firmly rooted in our community, we benefit from the trust of our families, who support the academy to provide their children with the best possible education, knowing that their children will be supported, challenged and cherished.